Singer-Songwriter, Composer, Producer


關於 TzChien慈謙

慈謙是一位唱作者,她在2014年大學畢業後開始了她的音樂事業。 她在十歲時自學鋼琴、加入縣立少年合唱團、高中參加弦樂社學小提琴、大學參加吉他社開始彈吉他。 在學吉他並開始寫歌以前,她寫詩。儘管她從來沒有受過專業的音樂訓練, 她過去的音樂相關經驗仍在她的作品中大放異彩。

慈謙的歌充滿了深刻的省思,是關於個人對於世界的反應。 她的歌詞充滿詩意;故事與理念以簡單的文字表達出來。 她的弦律簡明但編曲卻細膩且意外的華麗。 她從第一張全詞曲創作的專輯【生而為人的故事】開始,便自學編曲與後製的所有過程。

2018年她更將音樂領域擴展至配樂。 第一張原聲帶 【最後的信函】成功的將密室脫逃提升到另一個層次。

  • 2016.12.24 發行首張迷你專輯【生而為人的故事】,全詞曲創作編輯製作。
  • 2017.04.01 Spring Scream 春天吶喊
  • 2017.04.06 The Next Big Thing 大團誕生
  • 2017.08 (2016入選)南面而歌收錄單曲 < 漸漸變成一部分的山>
  • 2017.12.22 發行單曲 < 無窗的房間>
  • 2018.03.01 發行原聲帶【最後的信函】
  • 2018.04.28 發號單曲< 綠色的海 >

TzChien is a singer-songwriter who started her music career after graduated from college in 2014. She taught herself the piano at 10, joined the county choir in her early youth, learned the violin in the high school string club, and the guitar in college guitar club. She used to write poems before she began writing songs while learning the guitar. Although she never took a professional course about music, her past experience with music has still thrived in her works.

TzChien's songs are of deep self-reflection, and about the reaction between individuals and the world. Her lyrics are poetic; there are stories and messages within simple words. Her melodies are simple but her compositions are delicate and somehow grand. Her debut album [ Life as an Individual ] was all written by herself; since then, she has been learning about composition and the afterward producing process.

In 2018, she starts expanding her specialty to incidental music. Her first OST [ The Last Letter ] has successfully brought up the room escape game.

  • 2016.12.24 The debut album [ Life as an Individual ]
  • 2017.04.01 Spring Scream (performance)
  • 2017.04.06 The Next Big Thing (performance)
  • 2017.08 (2016 collection) South Music included < Gradually becoming part of a mountain>
  • 2017.12.22 Single < A Room without Windows>
  • 2018.03.01 OST [ The Last Letter ]
  • 2018.04.28 Single < A Sea of Green>
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